Well, I'm here in Eureka Springs, Arkansas for the wedding of a friend. What an awesome town. Very old and well preserved and up in the Ozark Mountains in central Arkansas near the Missouri border. My luggage went to Detroit, and is arriving shortly, several hours after me. The airline is shuttling it to me 50 miles away. I stopped in front of the Walmart World Headquarters on my way out of town. Not much to talk about. Pretty sterile like their stores. The drive of 32 miles from the Northwest Arkansas Airport was pretty amazing. It was largely a two-lane road that twists and turns up and over a bunch of mountains and gorges. I felt like I was driving on a race course in my small rental car. I arrived here around 2:30 pm after jacking around with the airline (Northwest) over my luggage. I then walked from my hotel to downtown, which was all downhill for two miles. The walk home in the dark after dinner was scary. Lots of cars on the road and no sidewalks. But I made it. I'm just waiting at my hotel for my bag to show up. It has my clothes for the rehearsal dinner and my suit for the wedding in it. Tomorrow, my travel companions Vicki and Vicky will be here with their families. Vicki's daughter is getting married and Vicky's daughter is doing all the organizing and catering. Should be pretty interesting. They will recruit me to help set up I'm sure. The hotel is really, really nice. It's up on a high hill overlooking Eureka Springs, which has a nice view of the old town. Sorry if this is jumbled. I stopped at a local tavern (Cathouse Tavern) for dinner and a "few drinks." Think I'll stay in for the night once my luggage is dropped off.
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