Saturday, April 16, 2005

So here I am in Boston ...

It's a beautiful day. My flight arrived on time. I took a cab to my hotel instead of the subway. I was in a hurry to get to the Marathon Expo and my race number and just walk around town. This city rivals Milwaukee in terms of hard core drinkers. But Bostonians are much dumber. Add a little east coast arrogance and you have a really ugly scene. The Expo was a madhouse. I have never seen so many people. I saw a lot of people pushing stollers through the crowd. What gluttons for punishment. I bought my usual installment of PowerGel and a new running tank top. Also picked up one of the marathon posters, which has my name etched in it along with the other 20,000 runners. For dinner, I'm going to Legal Seafood over at Long Wharf with friends I met on my Egypt vacation back in November 2003 (they live in the burbs here). I'm not psyched up for the marathon yet. Maybe anther day to ruminate will do the trick. There are people waiting to use this free terminal at my hotel, so I will be courteous, unlike some people, and sign off here.

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