It was a nice day. We drove 20 miles out to
Park City and walked around town, did some shopping, took some pictures and stopped for a beer at a local tavern. Very nice old ski town. We then drove back towards Salt Lake City and stopped at two ski resorts. One was
Brighton. The drive up there was very pretty with all the mountains and snow, much like the drive to Park City. The other was
Solitude . We would have stopped in
Alta and
Snowbird but I had a senior moment and left my fanny pack containing my cell phone and PDA hanging on the chair back at that bar in Park City, so had to drive back to Park City to pick it up. Fortunately I bought the beer and onion ring appetizer with my credit card, so I had the phone number of the tavern we stopped at on the receipt. Sure enough, they had my stuff. Fortunately we were relatively close by. I also had both devices locked, so no one could have used them with out punching in a PIN number. We got back to Salt Lake City at 4:30 pm. I played Gin with my niece while my brother put up the Christmas tree and his wife made dinner. I've basically been doing stuff I never do at home-even though it's just staying at someone else's house. I leave for Milwaukee tomorrow morning at 8:30 am, but I have a long layover in Cincinatti, so won't be home till 5 pm. It's too bad that when you use frequent flyer miles, they don't treat you as well as when you're a fare-paying passenger. That means you get a seat in the middle of a row back by the engines and near the bathroom.
Picture: Park City, Utah
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